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Gianna Regenbrecht

Leonie and Gianna met at the trainer course in Münster and that's how we got in touch with Gianna. We were immediately impressed by Gianna's positive, uncomplicated and infectious manner and visited the para-dressage rider directly for our first joint photo shoot. We are looking forward to our journey together. ♥︎

Photo credits l.t.r.: Cora M. Jennissen Photography, top: Diana Wahl Photography, bottom: Cora M. Jennissen Photography, Catch the moment - Kim Kruithoff

Date of birth:


My horse:

Selma Stromberg

What am I doing (school, job, etc.):

I am studying medicine.

My social media account:

What do I report on my account:

Mainly, my channel is about Selma and our way in para-sport, but also about my everyday life in a wheelchair and my training outside of riding. In addition, my Dalmatian Silas may not be missing. 

How did I come to the horses / how is my "equestrian" career:

I came to riding through my grandpa, who himself grew up with horses and was a real horse person. He was also the one who always took me to riding lessons when I was a little girl. At some point I had a foster horse and even later the first horses I was allowed to train for other people. After my accident, I then relearned how to ride without functioning legs on the greatest Norwegian in the world, fittingly named "My little Hero". And when I knew my body so well again and had trained so much that I could sit the movement of a big horse, I fulfilled my dream of having my own horse. This is Selma.

My absolute favorite horse:

Selma of course ? and then I'm a huge fan of Callaho's Benicio.

My most beautiful experience in connection with the horses:

The trust that every single horse I have sat on since my paraplegia has shown me.

What is important to me in dealing, keeping and training with the horse:

At the top of my list is that I want to give the horse the best possible day every day anew. Good riding, good food and daily grazing are the basic recipe, then a huge amount of love and the necessary portion of craziness ... otherwise you would not do all this at all. Oh yes and a large portion of patience (I also had to practice a lot).

Life motto:

There's nothing that can't be done!

Personal tip for our followers:

If there's one thing I've learned in my wheelchair, it's to keep testing my personal limits and not give up. It's not easy by any means, but it's worth it when you realize that you've outgrown yourself!

Greatest strength:

My willpower

Biggest weakness:

I can say no very badly.

Favorite Bense & Eicke product:


Bense & Eicke products that I can't do without in my daily stable routine:

StarFinish & Natural Hoof Cream

Product from the equestrian sport, which I always have there or love to use:

Riding gloves, which are also great for wheelchair riding, and the SchnittBerta. It is always in the back of my wheelchair bag and in times of Corona not only gives Selma a fresh haircut.

Compensatory sports and other hobbies:

strength training to be fit and moni-skiing.

Favorite food:

Anything with tomatoes.

Favorite vacation destination:

Italy (because they have the best tomato dishes and it can't be warm enough for me).

What would I take with me to a lonely island:

All my friends!